Kelsey Retting, Dwayne Carter, Candace Crogan-Grundy, Chirag Khatiwala, Leah Norona, Elizabeth Paffenroth, Umesh Hanumegowda, Alice Chen, Lisa Hazelwood, Lois Lehman-McKeeman, and Sharon Presnell. Appl In Vitro Toxicol 4:3 (2018).
The Promise of New Technologies to Reduce, Refine, or Replace Animal Use while Reducing Risks of Drug Induced Liver Injury in Pharmaceutical Development
Frank D. Sistare, William B. Mattes and Edward L. LeCluyse.
ILAR J. 57 (2): 186-211 (2016).
Organovo's Bioprinting Platform: Enabling 3D, architecturally correct, fully human tissue for drug discovery and transplantation
Presented at Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa. La Jolla, CA. October 2016.
Fully Biological Multi-Layered Vascular Grafts Generated with the NovoGen MMXT Bioprinter
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the TERMIS-NA, Orlando, FL, December 2010
The Importance of Multicellularity in Liver Homeostasis and Injury
General – Liver Example
Functional Stability of exVive3D™ Liver, Bioprinted Human Tissues
Will Advances in Preclinical In Vitro Models Lower the Cost of Drug Development?
Bioprinted Human Tissues for Drug Development
Bioprinting by Continuous Deposition
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the TERMIS-NA, Houston, TX, December 2011.
Scaffold Free NovoGenT Bioprinting Using Various Hydrogels
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the TERMIS-NA, Orlando, FL, December 2010.
NovoGenT Bioprinting: Printing 3D Cellular Aggregates
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the TERMIS-NA, Orlando, FL, December 2010.